Video Analysis of your Squash

Have your squash analysed via video. This page explains the process and the benefits of having your squash analysed via video.

Last Updated: 12 June 2024 / Translate

Video Analysis

You send me a recording of a competitive match and I do a "live recording analysis", which normally last about 15 minutes. The best type of matches to send me are the very close ones or the ones you lose. I can perform the analysis on friendly matches, but the opponent must be of equal standard.

Use a transfer service like WeTransfer to send me the video or link to an online video. If the video is longer than 5 minutes, let me know the start time you want me to analyse from.

During the analysis recording I talk about tactical and technical aspects of your game, pausing the video to highlight my points.

I post the video on my YouTube channel and make it unlisted, so only you can find and see it.

When you are ready to start or if you have any questions, email me. I will reply and give you an estimated delivery date.


Option 1: 5-minute recording
25 Euros (Analysis video is 15-20 minutes)

Option 2: Custom
Send me a complete game or match and I will send you the price before starting the analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most commonly asked questions. If you have others please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to answer them.

After using this service, will I be able to beat my arch-nemesis? ABSOLUTELY! Well, possibly. If your video is of you playing him or her, make sure you tell me that you specifically want to beat this player and I will give you tips to not only improve your game, but also counter your nemesis’ strengths and exploit their weaknesses.

Do I need permission from my opponent to record my match? I don't require proof that permission has been granted, but I suggest you at least ask your opponent before you record and tell them that it will be used for an analysis. I have never heard of an opponent refusing, although it might happen.

English is not my first language, can I still use the service? Yes, definitely. If I know English is not your first language, I will speak slower, use clearer words and avoid phrasal verbs. Please let me know when you send your initial email.

What happens if I don’t feel I received good value for money? Notice that you do not pay until AFTER you have received the feedback video. I ask you to pay AFTER because I understand this is a new way to do this. I trust you and I hope you trust me. If you really do not feel that what you got was good value, then you can pay what you think it is worth.

What type of feedback will I receive? I focus on two aspects: the tactical and technical. I will highlight tactical mistakes you made, but also highlight the correct shot selection too. I will talk about the technical issues you may have and how that affects your tactical choices.

I am a junior, can I still use this service? Yes, but I require contact and communication through a parent or guardian.

Can I pay with my credit card? Yes, but I require all payments to go through PayPal. You can use your credit card to pay via PayPal.

Will you offer other ways to pay in the future besides paypal? Honestly, I do not know. I may consider other payment services if they are easy to work with.

I only have a mobile phone. Can I use that to record my video? I have received videos recorded via a mobile phone and it was fine. of course, it depends on the quality of your phone and where it is positioned.

Can I see a sample feedback video? Yes, of course. Please scroll down a few lines.

I have a question that is not answered here, what should I do? Send me an email and I will do my best to answer your question: [email protected]

Watch A Real Analysis Video

This is a real video analysis I performed for somebody and is used here with their permission. All video analysis videos are private - only you can see them.


"After just one session with Phillip, I'm very impressed with his coaching. He doesn't beat around the bush – he gave me a great ultimatum that's made me rethink my entire approach to squash. I feel like I'm walking away with a whole new insight into my game. Looking forward to putting these tips to use and to see what lies ahead!."
Matt, Australia - August 2023

"I have worked with Phillip for a while on improving my game and the value for money spent is unbelievable! I did both a video analysis on a game I played along with having solo sessions created. Phillip's knowledge of squash is remarkable and the concepts and tips he gives are things I would never even think of. He has tremendously improved both my ball striking and overall squash IQ. Working with any coach in general will bring improvement but working with Phillip has been fantastic for my game. I would strongly recommend anyone interested in improving their game to give Phillip a try."
Fabio, USA - March 2023

"Phillip’s match analysis is pure gold. It is jam packed with actionable insights and his commentary is entertaining to boot. The product way exceeded my expectations!"
Michael, USA - March 2023

"My playing partner and I have had a couple of virtual coaching sessions with Phillip. We have noticed immediate improvement in our games, and have very much enjoyed Phillip’s insight into our play. Phillip was able to pinpoint a few things that we were unable to see for ourselves. Thank you Phillip!"
Charlie, USA - March 2023

"As a roughly A level player, I was already aware of several issues in my game, but Philip's analysis opened my eyes to a number of problems neither I nor my peers had been aware of previously. He also had simple suggestions on how to fix those problems. His video was over 20 minutes (analysing 5 minutes of play), and he included a detailed e-mail summarising his main points in order of priority. He also kindly responded to a few follow up questions as well. Going in, I didn't know what to expect, but for 25 Euros, Phillip's video service is incredible value."
Andre - January 2023

"Phillip did a video analysis for a match that I lost. I did not understand why I had lost the match against a similar level player. His voice over commentary on the video was very insightful, sometimes painful, and extremely helpful. He was able to quickly spot 4 areas where I was lacking, showing the issues clearly in specific points, and providing advice on how to address them moving forward. I was very impressed by how he could accurately identify some not totally obvious issues in my game, and very clearly articulate the technical and tactical problems and opportunities. I will certainly use this service again as my game improves."
Domingo - January 2023

"The service provided by Phillip helped me see rapid improvement in my game.He provided very clear analysis of both the things I’m doing well and the things I need to improve.He walked me through a number of drills I can do on my own to target my weaknesses.In the month since I received my coaching video my player rating has steadily risen, and I feel much more confident on court.I’m sure I wouldn’t have had this success if I hadn’t used his service. I highly recommend Coach Phillip."
The improvement after having video analysis
Henry Holderness - January 2020