How To Watch A Squash Match

Surely I am joking, right? How many ways can there be to watch a squash match? Well, it depends on what your objectives are.

17 September 2022 / 3-Min Read / Translate

Yesterday, I wrote about watching great squash. It can not only motivate and inspire you, but it can also help develop good tactical habits. It does that by utilising a deep psychological need, which is to be the same as the rest of the group. It’s passive learning. Learning without being conscious of trying to learn. But what if you wanted to be more active? Well, read on to find out how to do that when watching squash.

It’s important that you watch high quality squash. I don’t mean any disrespect to the millions of recreational players, but it is unlikely you will improve much by watching them. Remember: you don’t want to be the same as this group, you want to be the same as the great players – so watch the great players. Finally, all three methods below can used whether you are watching live or via a screen.

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