Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

Maybe you are not a squash player yourself, but are looking for gift ideas for somebody that is? In which case, this is the perfect article for you!

28 July 2022 / 3-Min Read / Translate

We all want to buy the perfect gift for our friends and family. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that the person would love to receive. Unless you partake in the same activity, it can be hard to know what people need or want for their given sport. In fact, you might buy the completely wrong thing. So, with all that in mind, here are a few ideas for gifts for your favourite squash players.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

This is the most personal piece of equipment. Think very carefully before buying a squash racket for a somebody. The only two times it’s a good choice is when the person is a beginner and doesn’t have a racket or the person told you EXACTLY which racket to buy.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

Not as personal as squash rackets, but still quite personal. Besides getting the correct size, choose a shoe that seems similar to the ones they currently use. For more information, see my Squash Shoes Might Be More Important Than Squash Rackets and Should I Buy Expensive Squash Shoes? articles.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

This is the perfect gift for a squash player. All squash players need a regular supply of new squash balls. It might seem like an unimaginative gift and it is, but it is an incredibly useful one. Buy the same brand and dot designation that they currently use.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

Just like squash balls, squash grips are another boring but useful gift for the squash player. There are two main types: overgrip and replacement grip. Most players have a preference and it is best to buy the same type as the one they currently use.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

This could be a great option for an unusual gift. Club squash players need to replace their strings and they often get lazy about it. Check with your local restringer to see if they offer a voucher or similar. Gifting a restring to squash player will show you care.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

To the non-squash player, having more than one bag might seem like a waste, but there are many occasions where different types of bags are required. Huge bags are perfect for tournaments, whilst smaller bags are great for single matches.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

Walking onto court wearing a new T-shirt or shorts/skirt is a great feeling, especially if the opponent notices and comments. In the past only white clothes were acceptable, but nowadays a variety of colours and designs are encouraged.


Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Favourite Squash Players

Buying a pair of squash goggles for somebody might seem unusual, but helping somebody protect their eyesight should not be considered wrong. Buy these if the player doesn’t have a pair. And if they asked why you bought them, tell them I said they should wear them!


This might seem like another strange option, but equipment may not be the best thing to buy. I heard that the best present is one that the person receiving the present would never buy for themselves but would love it anyway. Squash coaching seems to fit that idea perfectly. Do a little research for your area and hopefully there should be some coaches that will allow you to purchase a few lessons with the date and time to be decided. Perhaps they sell vouchers.

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